Welcome to the RBMS GSA Club!

Please read this first!

Welcome to our 24-25 Student-Led GSA Club! GSA (gay-straight alliance or gender-sexuality alliance) is a club to support and raise awareness for LGBTQ+ people. Queer people and allies can hang out and talk without fear of judgment from their peers. Having a GSA Club is important because of the number of LGBTQ+ students (approximately 7-12% of the entire world is LGBTQ+) and everyone should be able to have a safe space to be themselves. All are welcome to hang out with us at lunch or at the Stoughton Public Library on Main Street.

Last year there was an after-school GSA Club, but the teacher last year who ran it left and no other teacher wanted to run it, so they just got rid of it completely. So we've created our version of it completely run by students! This version is honestly better because last year many people weren't able to attend after school due to their homophobic parents and not being able to come up with an excuse. This year we're doing it at the library and many kids go to the library after school, so people can make the excuse that they're just hanging out with their friends and not going to an LGBTQ+ club. We will also hang out at lunch, so it's okay if you can't make it to the library, you can hang out with us there!

We also have a Discord Server! So if you can't hang out with us in person, you can talk to us on Discord. Everyone is welcome and we don't have many rules. We already have multiple queer students and allies in our server, and we're so happy to welcome more!

Thank you for reading!

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